Behavioral biologist with the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and CNRS

I worked for the ETHOTAAF research program: Behavioral Ecology of Subantarctic Birds program, which combines animal behavior, sensory ecology, and cognition. The program aims to study “the cues and clues influencing seabirds’ behavior”. Several behavioral experiments and population dynamics monitoring are being conducted to better understand the complex mechanisms involved in mate preference and choice in king penguins and petrels. These efforts on those species also focus on investigating breeding site fidelity and nest recognition, while exploring other fields such as the cognitive abilities of skuas and chionis, including social learning and neophobia. Each field of research is studied according to the multiplicity of possible communication channels, including acoustic, visual, and olfactory communication.

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Research Assistant and Research Manager with the Kalahari Meerkat Project

The Kalahari Research Center was established in 1993 within the Kuruman River Reserve, located in the North West of South Africa, under the authority of the University of Cambridge and the University of Zurich. Each year, a team of 20 to 30 scientists conduct ongoing research on various mammal and bird species, such as meerkats, Damaraland mole-rats, Cape ground squirrels, bat-eared foxes, pied babblers, hornbills, drongos, and leopard tortoises. I was involved in the Kalahari Meerkat Project, a long-term study aimed at investigating the causes of cooperative breedings in mammals at the individual and population level through the observation of habituated groups of wild meerkats.

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Other experience in wildlife science and scientific communication

In another life, as a research intern during my bachelor's degree in ecology, I also studied the spatial distribution of the gray wolf in the boreal forest during a gap year in Finnish Karelia, took part in a photo-identification program for humpback whales on Reunion Island, and worked as a scientific animator at the Natural History Museum in Nantes.